Senin, 15 Agustus 2011


I'm now attending Labschool kebayoran,Labschool Kebayoran is a highschool located in kyai haji ahmad dahlan kebayoran, iam now reporting an english assigment about the lifestyle in labschool kby.

1.   Movies : many students here likes watching movies, 4 out of 6 studens goes to cinemas, or watch DVD at    home.the majority of students here watch holywood movies like Harry Potter, Transformer, nad many alike.

2.   Music : many students in labsky love to hear music,whether its Indonesian or international,many students prefer international music rather than indonesian music.

3.   Study : i gotta admit no students actually likes studying.they only study so they can get good grades, go to a good college, get a goddamn successfull job, and have a life.

4. Gadget : many students in labschool have a mobile phone, they are needed to stay communicated with friends, get usefull information, or something like that.

5. Sport : many students here enjoys sport whether its basketball, soccer, american football, even rugby.sports are needed to stay fit and in shape. it also teach us teamwork and fair play.

6. Social networks :  Most of students in labsky have twitter and facebook account. In this time, they prefer to use twitter than facebook. Information spread faster in twitter.

i dont wanna talk to much because i know you dont actually read the whole thing so the point is labsky students have many issues whether its homework, friend, or something like that.and the things above are mostly entertaiment so they can enjoy themselfes while also studying.


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